realtor-experience-nar-studyRepresentative Cases and Clients of Simkin & Assoc.

(This is a sample of some of the thousands of cases handled.)

  1. Quiet Title Prescriptive Easement
  2. Quiet Title unclear deed description
  3. Partition of Apartment Buildings after dispute between owners.
  4. Partition House Shared by Brothers
  5. Encroachment fence and boundary disputes.
  6. Easement disputes
    1. Driveway dispute
    2. Garage Wall dispute
    3. Hedge, bushes, trees boundary dispute
  7. Declaratory Relief
    1. Terms of Commercial Lease
    2. Permitted use of premises
    3. Terms of Contract
  8. Failure to Disclose Defects in sale of real property
  9. Refusal to Sell Property per Purchase Agreement
  10. Refusal to sell real property per option agreement
  11. Damage to house before close of escrow
  12. Professional Negligence against realtors, brokers and agents (salespersons).
  13. Real Estate Finder Fee litigation
  14. Billboard and Advertising Sign Disputes
  15. Neighbor Nuisance Disputes
  16. Breach of Contract
  17. Breach of Data Center and Internet Colocation agreements.
  18. Fraud/Negligent Misrepresentation
  19. Theft of Valuable Ferrari car parts
  20. Dating Service Litigation
  21. Breach of non-compete clause
  22. Injunctions
  23. Civil Harassment Restraining Orders
  24. Domestic Violence Restraining Orders
  25. Loan Fraud
  26. Breach of Promissory Note
  27. Debt Collection
  28. Labor Board Judgment Collection
  29. Alter ego issues
  30. Fraudulent Conveyance
  31. Oil Well Investment Fraud.
  32. Oil Well Lease Breach of Contract
  33. Partition of Apartment Buildings.
  34. Hostile Takeover of Synagogue by dissident members
  35. Property Owner defense of ADA, Unruh Act and accessibility guidelines cases.
  36. Unlawful Detainers Commercial and Residential:
    1. Non-payment of rent; hoarders, noise, drug dealers, marijuana cultivation, foreclosed properties, nuisance, rent control issues, former managers, squatters, family members that never refuse to leave, refusal to vacate after home purchased by new owner, expiration of lease term, etc.
  37. Employee wage and hour matters
  38. Resident Manager employment disputes