The law provides in part that a minor’s “willful misconduct” causing injury or death to another, or damage to the property of another, “shall be imputed to the parent or guardian having custody and control of the minor” for civil liability purposes. (Civil Code §1714.1, et seq. as well as under the Education Code §

Should I use the AIR CRE Commercial Leasing form of the CAR Commercial Leasing form?  The lawyer answer is that they are similar but different!  Most of the time the AIR form should be used, but both have pros and cons for landlords and tenants.  See this attached memo with snippets of the clauses discussed or read below.  Click here: AIR vs. CAR Commercial Leasing Forms  Please let me know what you think of my comments.

Nine AIR Commercial Leasing Forms vs. One CAR Commercial Leasing Agreement?

Most California commercial leasing transactions use one of the AIR CRE Commercial Leases (“AIR Forms”) or the CAR Commercial Lease form (“CAR Form”).  The AIR Forms are very inclusive at 20+ pages, are balanced for the landlord and tenant, but may not be the right choice for every commercial lease.  The CAR Form is user friendly at 6 pages, but only covers the basics.  The AIR CRE forms have specific leases for office, single, multi-tenant, ground leases and for shopping centers.  AIR also offers addendums for arbitration, options to extend, rent adjustments, right of first refusal, etc.  The primary difference between the AIR and CAR forms are detailed assignment of responsibility. Read more below:
Continue Reading Comparison of the AIR vs. CAR Commercial Leasing Forms (With Hints!)


A common question is how to count the days referred to in the Real Estate Purchase Agreement and related CAR (Calif. Assoc. of Real Estate) forms.  In October 2016 CAR published a concise article on this in their magazine.  In essence the CAR attorneys confirmed that every day counts, even holidays, but if the last day is a weekend or holiday, then the next business day would be the last day.  That confirms with Code of Civil Procedure §12.  More specific examples how to apply this are as follows and are in this great article and summarized below.  See page 10 at{%22issue_id%22:341167,%22page%22:10}Continue Reading Counting Days and Loopholes in CAR Real Estate Purchase Agreement Forms

marijuana_legal_gavel_620x350Medical and probably soon recreational marijuana is going to be a hot box for landlords and tenants.  Medical marijuana is also NOT a basis nor does it create “civil rights” for residential tenants to smoke in their apartments!!  Health and Safety Code §11362.5 (Compassionate Use Act of 1996 “CUA”) allows medical marijuana to be purchased, possessed and used. There are many levels and issues, but here is a sampler.  This is one confusing, vague, and evolving area of law and how it impacts employers and landlords.  Make sure to check current law both state, national and local (city), as all laws apply.
Continue Reading Marijuana Laws and Landlord-Tenant Rights